Combining the incredible benefits of SkinPen® microneedling with your body’s very own repair system

Providing all-over skin rejuvenation.

  • PRP (aka platelet rich plasma)* is the portion of blood plasma containing a high concentration of platelets, which are responsible for healing and regeneration.

    *Also sometimes referred to as “stem cells”.

  • PRP can help regenerate and revitalise damaged skin, reduce fine lines and help improve skin texture.

    Your PRP cells act as ambitious little copy cats to mimic the production of collagen and elastin fibres, for younger, healthier skin.

    PRP is suitable for most skin concerns such as tired and dry skin, skin with lost elasticity, uneven pigmentation, wrinkles and dark circles as well as overall texture and tone improvement.

    It is also a great option for those looking for a natural treatment, and those who risk allergic reaction from other treatments (as this uses your own plasma).

    As PRP works on the basis that the patient’s own natural healing powers may slow down or even reverse the aging process, it’s a revolutionary repair system that places growth factors in the exact location where we want the skin to repair and rejuvenate itself.

  • Depending on your individual skhn and what you are trying to treat you may need follow up treatments, with results lasting up to 6-12 months.

  • Discomfort level will vary for each individual, but we do all we can to make the experience comfortable.

    We offer medical-grade numbing cream prior to treatment to make the experience more comfortable.

    The microneedling portion of treatment can feel a little “scratchy” in some areas, and when the PRP its injected into specific areas it can feel slightly uncomfortable for some clients.

    For those who find getting their blood drawn to be uncomfortble, we can also offer numbing cream for that part of treatment as well. We have had many clients say that they don’t even feel it happening.

  • Post treatment, your face will be red and feel quite warm. A cooling mask will be applied while your heat subsides and calming serum will be administered pot treatment.

    For full post care and expecded dowtime click on the ‘PRP Aftercare’ button below.

  • Single Treatment $549

    or pre-pay for 3 PRP treatments and receive the 4th FREE